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maitani imported maitani's feed
The Greatest Ancient Picture Gallery by William Dalrymple | The New York Review of Books -
10 years ago from Friendfeed - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Some years earlier, in 1819, a British hunting party in the jungles of the Western Ghats had followed a tiger into a remote river valley and stumbled onto what was soon recognized as one of the great wonders of India: the painted caves of Ajanta. On the walls of a line of thirty-one caves dug into an amphitheater of solid rock lay the most beautiful and ancient paintings in Buddhist art, the oldest of which dated from the second century BC—an otherwise lost golden age of Indian painting. In time it became clear that Ajanta contained probably the greatest picture gallery to survive from the ancient world, and along with the frescoes of Pompeii, the fabulous murals of Livia’s Garden House outside Rome, and the encaustic wax portraits of the Egyptian Fayyum, Ajanta’s walls represented perhaps the most comprehensive depiction of civilized life to survive from antiquity." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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Rare Ceramics And Indian Paintings At NY Asian Art Week <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.blogandcollect... ; title="http://www.blogandcollect... ; - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Latin: the Renaissance’s world language
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"One student meets another. They talk. They banter. All perfectly familiar to us, it would seem—except that the original of this conversation is in Latin. We find it in Erasmus’ Colloquies, first published in 1518 and one of the best-selling books of its time. Livinus and George’s fictional dialogue could easily have been a real-life exchange; as a tutor himself Erasmus intended his Colloquies to provide models for everyday conversation in Latin, and Latin was the language of instruction in schools and universities at the time." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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I think that the last great work in Latin was Gauss' Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
"Creep" - Prince at Coachella 2008 (Uploaded via Permission from Radiohead)
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
via : "Prince covered Radiohead's Creep at the Coachella music festival in 2008. The video got yanked due to copyright infringement but it's back up. For the moment anyway and perhaps forever...Prince's Twitter account linked to it. (via @anildash (who else??))" - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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Well, that's because it's not his own, else he would have released the lawyers. - Numerio Negidio - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Paul Klee’s Personal Notebooks Online (Art, Design)
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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forty years ago in Italy translated Feltrinelli, 1979. It was a very expensive edition - evres - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Download Hundreds of 19th-Century Japanese Woodblock Prints by Masters of the Tradition http://cdn8.openculture.c...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"We recently featured hundreds of Van Gogh’s paintings, sketches, and letters downloadable from Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum. But despite its name, that respected institution hasn’t devoted itself entirely to the work of the 19th-century post-impressionist painter; they’ve also got a serious stock of art from roughly the same period but the other side of the world in the form of Japanese woodblock prints. And like their Van Gogh materials, they’ve made them available to all of us in high resolution files, free for the downloading in their online collections." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
Search in the collection: http://www.vangoghmuseum.... - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
India: Milk in the Northwest; Meat in the Northeast
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Due primarily to religious restrictions, vegetarianism is widespread in India. But very few Indians follow a vegan diet in which all animal products are avoided. Milk and other dairy products, derived from both cows and water buffalos, are avidly consumed across a large portion of the country. Indeed, India is the largest milk producer in the world by a good margin, having recently surpassed the entire European Union, and Pakistan ranks fourth. Milk is India’s leading agricultural commodity, produced on some 75 million dairy farms, most of which are quite small. Beginning in 1970, the Indian government provided high levels of support for the dairy industry through its “Operation Flood,” which doubled per capita milk consumption in a 30-year period." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, History
1965-1975 Another Vietnam
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"For much of the world, the visual history of the Vietnam War has been defined by a handful of iconic photographs: Eddie Adams’ image of a Viet Cong fighter being executed, Nick Ut’s picture of nine-year-old Kim Phúc fleeing a napalm strike, Malcolm Browne’s photo of Thích Quang Duc self-immolating in a Saigon intersection. Many famous images of the war were taken by Western photographers and news agencies, working alongside American or South Vietnamese troops." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
8 other comments...
Thank you, Haldo, for pointing to this equally interesting source. :-) - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, History
Ancient Babylonian Astronomers Were Way Ahead of Their Time http://blogs.discovermaga... http://blogs.discovermaga...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"According to a newly translated cuneiform tablet, ancient Babylonian astronomers were the first to use surprisingly modern methods to track the path of Jupiter. The purpose of four ancient Babylonian tablets at the British Museum has long been a historical mystery, but now it turns out that they describe a method that uses figures on a graph to calculate the motion of Jupiter. It’s a technique that historians previously thought no one came up with until medieval Europe, and it’s a staple of modern astronomy, physics and math." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
"According to a newly translated cuneiform tablet, ancient Babylonian astronomers were the first to use surprisingly modern methods to track the path of Jupiter. The purpose of four ancient Babylonian tablets at the British Museum has long been a historical mystery, but now it turns out that they describe a method that uses figures on a graph to calculate the motion of Jupiter. It’s a technique that historians previously thought no one came up with until medieval Europe, and it’s a staple of modern astronomy, physics and math." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
A Calendar Post for February 2016 http://britishlibrary.typ... http://britishlibrary.typ...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"The calendar pages for February are just as lavishly decorated as those for January, filled with coloured initials and gold foliage. At the bottom of the first folio is a miniature of another pleasant winter labour, that of warming oneself before a fire. The gentleman in this scene has just removed one of his boots and is extending his foot towards a roaring fire, presumably after coming in from the cold." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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in France it's Crepe Day :) - astridula - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
What does "Schmetterling" sound like to a German? http://languagelog.ldc.up...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"...But it's not just "Schmetterling". In this Live Leak video, "German Pronunciation Of Words Compared To Other Languages", it seems as though all German words (e.g., those for airplane, surprise, butterfly, pen, daisy, ambulance, and science) sound positively awful in comparison with their equivalents in French, English, Italian, and Spanish (but note that, in each case, the German word is shouted loudly and angrily, whereas the words in the other languages are pronounced daintily and demurely.)" - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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"obviously, when the German word "Schmetterling" is perceived as aggressive as opposed to the gentle "butterfly" or "papillon" or "mariposa," that is not for inherent, objective linguistic or acoustic reasons, but the result of the audience's conditioning." Not much to add, conditioning is so pervasive everywhere. - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
What Is Language?
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"I have recently plowed through the new book by Berwick & Chomsky summarizing their long held views of language. One point they never tire of mentioning is what they call language’s Basic Property, complete with capital letters: “language is a finite computational system yielding an infinity of expressions.” For the moment, I’m going to accept that claim, because the important thing to notice is not whether the definition is true or false but that it is ridiculous." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
How do you say "good bye" in Italian when you want to express that you will not come back?
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
addìo - jesup ॐ - - (Edit | Remove)
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mentegatto: addio, inter., forma di saluto usata per accomiatarsi da qcn. o da qcs., spec. definitivamente [...] (De Mauro) / Forma di saluto usata come congedo, perlopiù definitivo: (Sabatini Colletti) / Forma di saluto a persona o cosa che si lascia, spec. per lungo periodo o definitivamente (Hoepli). If it is *especially* a definite farewell, it's not *always* a definite farewell. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Positive lexicography https://static.wixstatic....
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Welcome to the positive lexicography, an evolving index of 'untranslatable' words related to wellbeing from across the world's languages." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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Thank you! :-) - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Why some Greek pensioners may have to forage to survive
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Wild greens known as "horta" have been a staple of the Cretan diet since Minoan times, but with Greece's rapidly worsening economic climate, foraging might once again become a way of life, reports Heidi Fuller-Love." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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"Wild greens known as "horta" have been a staple of the Cretan diet since Minoan times, but with Greece's rapidly worsening economic climate, foraging might once again become a way of life, reports Heidi Fuller-Love." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Chavacano: A Spanish-Based Creole Language of the Philippines
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

maitani to maitani's feed
Chavacano: A Spanish-Based Creole Language of the Philippines
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

maitani to maitani's feed
Chavacano: A Spanish-Based Creole Language of the Philippines
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

maitani to maitani's feed, History
Revisiting Kharakhoto
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"The ancient Tangut city of Kharakhoto lies north-east of Dunhuang in the Gobi Desert, just inside the present-day Chinese border with Mongolia. For Colonel Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov (1863-1935), leader of the 1907–1909 Russian Expedition to Mongolia and Sichuan, it was the city of his dreams: 'ever since reading about the ruins in the explorer Potanin's book Kharakhoto has been constantly on my mind'. His discovery of the site in March 1908 was undoubtedly the triumph of Russian activity in Central Asia and heralded the start of Tangut studies." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Interaction during reading is key to language development http://www.sciencedaily.c...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"A new study finds babies make more speech-like sounds during reading than when playing with puppets or toys -- and mothers are more responsive to these types of sounds while reading to their child than during the other activities." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Concordance to the Homeric Poems http://www.scholarsonline...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"This is a minimal concordance without any morphological analysis, providing each form of each word in the context of its line. The text is taken from that at the WikiSource site, which is in the public domain; it has been modified to normalize orthography in a few places. I prepared it because a fairly cursory search online showed nothing like it that was complete, and I wanted to have this information available for my own research. If it duplicates someone else’s efforts, I apologize." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
"The concordance was generated by mechanical means (who would do it by hand nowadays?) using a sequence of grep functions with Bare Bones’ BBEdit program. There are a few peculiarities in consequence. There may be an occasional bit that got by indexed oddly, due (almost certainly) to deficiencies in my own regular expression formation, though I tried to eliminate them by scrutinizing the resultant files by hand. The sorting routines, moreover, do not distinguish accents, so various similar but non-identical forms may be interleaved. In very few cases will that result in any material confusion, however." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Iced mill wheel https://lh3.googleusercon...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

maitani to maitani's feed, Lines From Books
Alan Rickman -Proust Recitation
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Just think of how many projects, travels, love affairs, studies, it – our life – hides from us, made invisible by our laziness which, certain of a future, delays them incessantly. - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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The cataclysm doesn’t happen, we don’t do any of it, because we find ourselves back in the heart of normal life, where negligence deadens desire. And yet we shouldn’t have needed the cataclysm to love life today. It would have been enough to think that we are humans, and that death may come this evening." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Jenny H, Eivind
Tim Minchin - White Wine in the Sun (Live Children in Need 2012)
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Jenny and Eivind, I wish you would drop by here! <3 - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Correlated lexicometrical decay http://languagelog.ldc.up...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"This is a brief progress report on "The case of the disappearing determiners", which I've continue to poke at in my spare time." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
"As the red line in the plot below shows, the proportion of nouns immediately preceded by THE decreased over the course of the 20th century, from an average of 18.9% for books published in 1900-1910 to 13.5% for books published in 1990-2000. The blue line shows that the proportion of adjective+noun sequences immediately preceded by THE was higher, overall, but followed a remarkably similar falling trajectory, from 29.1% in 1900-1910 to 21.2% in 1990-2000:" - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"With the increasing popularity of adult coloring books, I thought it would be fun to create some original Penn Museum coloring pages with objects from our collection. Through the magic of Photoshop, I was able to turn high resolution images of objects and Mary Louise Baker watercolors into B&W outlines. The intricate designs and repeating patterns of these objects make them perfect candidates for this simple and mindful pastime. So if you are good at coloring within the lines or are looking to disconnect for awhile, try your hand at one of these coloring pages and share your work of art with us (@pennmuseum) on Instagram!" - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed
Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Excursion à Venise
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...