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Evaluate World Peace



I'm funnier in English. Sto imparando italiano. Perdonami.

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Kristin to Kristin's feed
Base Jumpers Free Fall Off Dubai's Tallest Residential Tower In Beautiful Video (http://www.huffingtonpost... )
9 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"About 600 base jumpers had the option of jumping off a platform hanging out from the 99th floor of the tower, or performing a Dream Jump. It's a style of base jumping in which those daring enough fly outward on a zip line before free falling downward. The Dream Jump website says it allows for maximum airtime and acrobatics." - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
this is just amazing - naltro - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed, Oh Canada!
This guy left his car's lights on, and came back to find the nicest possible note. | Good Samaritans | Someecards (http://happyplace.someeca... )
9 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Yay, Canadians! - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
Good for him. Still, forgetting to turn off his lights made Canada look bad. :-) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Between the earthquake in Nepal and the events in Baltimore, my heart hurts. I will never grasp why there is so much suffering in the world .. whether it's caused by a natural disaster or by the actions of another human being.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
teodicea - evres - - (Edit | Remove)
teodicea - evres - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
If Jesus is following me and he has millions of followers, does this mean I'm master of puppets?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
That seems like only a part of his gang? - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Why do some people leave voicemails starting with, "hey, it's me.."? And, yes, let's just accept the fact that some people leave voicemails.
9 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I got into the habit of announcing who I was in messages early on, since caller ID was so rare, and answering machines didn't really have that anyway. I still do, sometimes, if is someone I don't call often. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
9 other comments...
All this reminds me of Alan Rickman's answering machine - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Spaces matter. https://s-media-cache-ak0...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
#fotostorpionimi I would say - low level - - (Edit | Remove)
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prego kristin :) - strega ☆ - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
After months of searching, I finally found my fitbit charger. #YayMoving #SeeWhatIDidThere
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
See, moving is good. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
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you should have bought a second one. then you would have found it right away. It happened with my camera charger. the day after I ordered a replacement obviously I found it, after MONTHS of searching. - Lucretia - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Lester has posted a map that shows the locations of the Italian-speakers. He has invited the English-speakers to post their locations. I made a separate layer and used blue so you can tell the difference when looking at the map.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
If you would like to add your location .. actual location or the nearest largest city if you don't want to share too much .. you can edit the map by signing in with a google account. If you'd like me to add you to the map, put your user name and location in the comments. - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
27 other comments... | Show last 10...
We're there! Thanks Kristin :-) - heleninstitches - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
I got home and my house REEKS. Then, I remembered pulling chicken out of the fridge last night to prep the crockpot for this morning. I got distracted and completely forgot about it last night and this morning. Now I've wasted chicken and my house smells like shit. IS IT FRIDAY?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Spoiled chicken is the worst. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
6 other comments...
He he, just hungry. :-) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Hear Kurt Cobain's Chilling, Unreleased Beatles Cover (And I Love Her) ( )
9 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Kristin to Kristin's feed
I just hid a post for the first time. It's starting to feel like home!
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
i did that by accident the other day, the screen was jumping and I have stubby fingers :-/ - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
[undercover] Devilish! - low level - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
How is it that I travelled the furthest for this meeting and I'm the only person to show up on time? One drink and 25 minutes later ... Still the only one here. >:/
9 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Because you're awesome and they're not? - CAJ - - (Edit | Remove)
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Stefano Guerrera - Ubikindred - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
I just picked up a rooftop cargo carrier for the same price someone bought my guest mattress for yesterday! Kismet? Shit is getting real! #GetMeToPNW #NorthByPNW
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Sea Otter / Una lontra di mare
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Aaaaawwwwww! - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)
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:D - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Church sign: "Jesus: more awesome than the new Star Wars clip"
9 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
If the new one is like the prequels, that might be a low bar to clear. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
well, everybody knows that the beatles are more awesome than jesus - low level - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
In 9 years, I have trained several people to change the toner. That, along with this handy diagram, should have been enough. Still, no one seems to be able to do it. In another month, it won't be my problem!
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
no one will print and we save some tree - sciack - - (Edit | Remove)
8 other comments...
Sharjia - sciack - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Does Game of Thrones start back tomorrow in Italy, too? I remember seeing a post somewhere about #TeamDwarf & wondered if our Italian friends were playing tomorrow. https://s-media-cache-ak0... https://s-media-cache-ak0...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
it does indeed start in italy too ... sky italy is going to broadcast the first episode at the same time it is shown on HBO in america (or so I seem to have read somewhere) - Bic - - (Edit | Remove)
11 other comments... | Show last 10... - this One is dedicated to the people Who have read the books in english. There might be some other rooms - Bic - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Via FB. Except his name isn't Noah ... https://s-media-cache-ak0...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ahahahahaha :D - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)
SHARJIA! - low level - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
#SaturdayFF - I'm going to check 3 (maybe 4) more states off my list during my roadtrip to Seattle. Plus, I get to add meeting a lot of FFers along the way, too!
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Kristin to English Inside Jokes
Like the Italians use "PICCI" to refer to their pets .. we remove the "y" at the end and add "eh". It's used when the animal is very cute, the person is excited, and/or as a term of endearment. Puppy = puppeh (not boobs), kitty = kitteh, bunny = bunneh!
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
:D - Slow - - (Edit | Remove)
10 other comments...
Ahahah Kristin, now I can understand the reason why today, when I searched on "puppeh" I found pet's pics too! - Alex Romano Milani - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Who wants to come over and help me sort and pack things? I have lots of alcohol that needs to be consumed before I move!
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I could help reduce the alcohol volume, but I'm not sure how much good I'd be at packing after that. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
8 other comments...
I'm not so good at drinking and packing, but I'm quite good at coming in Texas for free - Leonardo - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Time for #SaturdayFF! Louis Gray would sleep in a bed of depression if we let it die with FF. Amigi - spiegazione di #SaturdayFF:
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
He would be so depressed that he would ... that's how imperative it is that we continue it here. - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
He would be so depressed that he would ... that's how imperative it is that we continue it here. - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Italian inside jokes and memes
Will someone please explain the use of the word SBORRA? Is there a joke / story behind it on FF? UPDATED with picture. :)
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
... - L'Andre - - (Edit | Remove)
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(Of course, it was only a joke) - Fabs - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to Kristin's feed
Inbox 607. I think I have reached my capacity for fucks given.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
seems to be a common issue, today I really went near to run out of mine as well - low level - - (Edit | Remove)
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I have dual inbox set up. It makes things much easier to handle. Unread on the top and read down below it. I only really care about the top one. I also use colored labels and filters. Each category of mail has its own color. Very important stuff that needs immediate attention gets red labels, and there is a black "deletable" label for if/when my inbox gets out of control (mostly newsletters and other junk). I just load up everything with that label, select all, and nuke it. And for work email, I pretty much run on the same system and I also have some filters set up to auto-delete certain junk I don't need to read but will end up in my inbox any way (announcements that a certain type of very low priority support ticket was assigned to me, which I will find out about when I log into Zendesk, any way) - April Russo - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to English Inside Jokes
I'm not quite sure if this was ever a #sorrymeme, but another user named Josh Haley posted this picture and it was bumped much like the picture of the Asian men having his nipples licked. It didn't gain quite the following .. but this will still make the English speakers cringe seeing it. :) (https://s-media-cache-ak0... )
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I thought it was part of the #sorrymeme (or at least posted in the same spirit), but I might be wrong. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
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Very ballsy of you to post this. ;-) And I'm not lion. - CAJ - - (Edit | Remove)

Kristin to English Inside Jokes
https://s-media-cache-ak0... https://s-media-cache-ak0... Steven Perez ( ) is often referred to as Bunny or Bunneh. Way back in 2009, there was a regular denizen of FriendFeed named Tina. Tina had a fiendish sense of humor. She saw the picture of a man holding a bunny and thought there was a resemblance to Steven Perez.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
It wasn't really Steven but the nickname stuck. After a while he embraced it & now posts daily bunny pictures. Most of the Americans, Australians, and a few Europeans refer to him as Bunny / Bunneh. - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
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:D ahahah ostelinus - LilaLaMarea - - (Edit | Remove)