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ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room, Web e Comunicazione, Longform
How the biggest decentralized social network is dealing with its Nazi problem - The Verge
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Dove "dealing" è da intendersi con "are trying to deal". - __ - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
Eternal September, Comment is free, ecc. - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! imported, ndaaAATCIU!, Ctrl room, Editoria, Kindle addicted + more






Microsoft has a DRM-locked ebook store that isn’t making enough money, so they’re shutting it down and taking away every book that every one of its customers acquired effective July 1.

Customers will receive refunds.

This puts the difference between DRM-locked media and unencumbered media into sharp contrast. I have bought a lot of MP3s over the years, thousands of them, and many of the retailers I purchased from are long gone, but I still have the MP3s. Likewise, I have bought many books from long-defunct booksellers and even defunct publishers, but I still own those books.

When I was a bookseller, nothing I could do would result in your losing the book that I sold you. If I regretted selling you a book, I didn’t get to break into your house and steal it, even if I left you a cash refund for the price you paid.

People sometimes treat me like my decision not to sell my books through Amazon’s Audible is irrational (Audible will not let writers or publisher opt to sell their books without DRM), but if you think Amazon is immune to this kind of shenanigans, you are sadly mistaken. My books matter a lot to me. I just paid $8,000 to have a container full of books shipped from a storage locker in the UK to our home in LA so I can be closer to them. The idea that the books I buy can be relegated to some kind of fucking software license is the most grotesque and awful thing I can imagine: if the publishing industry deliberately set out to destroy any sense of intrinsic, civilization-supporting value in literary works, they could not have done a better job.

If you’ve got an ereader and want to actually own your books, I heartily recommend using cailbre to scrape the DRM off and so you can backup the files.

Cailbre d/l:

How to use cailbre to remove DRM:

Seconding calibre as a brilliant tool for ebook management in general. 

calibre is good

and it’s free and open source software!

Cailbre helped me properly access ebooks my dad bought for me ages ago whose encryption keys had been outmoded and were no longer available for my new laptop’s os! Nearly 15 of the books he’d given me I hadn’t even had a chance to read before then, but the free copy of cailbre I got online had all of the old, outdated encryption program keys!!

10/10, It’s good software!

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ndaaAATCIU! imported, ndaaAATCIU!, Ctrl room

Our discourse around privacy needs to expand to address foundational questions about the role of automation: To what extent is living in a surveillance-saturated world compatible with pluralism and democracy? What are the consequences of raising a generation of children whose every action feeds into a corporate database? What does it mean to be manipulated from an early age by machine learning algorithms that adaptively learn to shape our behavior?

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ndaaAATCIU! imported, il WTF quotidiano, ndaaAATCIU!, Ctrl room

Among the tools it is offering, Amazon’s image recognition product is the most controversial. […] Civil rights groups have called it “perhaps the most dangerous surveillance technology ever developed”, and called for Amazon to stop selling it to government agencies, particularly police forces. City supervisors in San Francisco banned its use, saying the software is not only intrusive, but biased - it’s better at recognising white people than black and Asian people.
Mr Vogels doesn’t feel it’s Amazon’s responsibility to make sure Rekognition is used accurately or ethically.
“That’s not my decision to make,” […] “This technology is being used for good in many places. It’s in society’s direction to actually decide which technology is applicable under which conditions.
“It’s a societal discourse and decision - and policy-making - that needs to happen to decide where you can apply technologies.”
[Vogels] likens ML and AI to steel mills. Sometimes steel is used to make incubators for babies, he says, but sometimes steel is used to make guns.

Amazon’s next big thing may redefine big - BBC News
5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room
"Anyone else find it weird that the bloke tasked with probing tech giants for antitrust abuses used to, um, work for the same tech giants? No, of course not. It's all perfectly fine" https://www.theregister.c...
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed
Io razzista? Ho anche un domestico bengalese
5 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Sono così surreali che si fa fatica a credere lo facciano apposta - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta from iPhone - - (Edit | Remove)
Notizie così che passano inosservate, i panigacci vi hanno rallentato! - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta from iPhone - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed
makkox colpisce anche senza disegnare
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room, Web e Comunicazione
You Should Never Have Trusted Flickr to Protect Your Cherished Photos
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"While no one can question the convenience of pulling up an old photo on demand, Flickr’s ultimatum—pay up or go—serves as a useful reminder that the free platforms we’ve entrusted to save our memories aren’t made for us. They’re made for the people who profit off our usage. These platforms can be sold. They can erase what we’ve saved. They can charge us later for access to our own photos, or to store more of them. They can change their terms of service and hand all of our precious memories to the police, use facial recognition to map our relationships, or use the photos for ads" - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)
9 other comments...
Haldo 9000: forse bisogna scendere dalla montagna e puntare più spesso il dito (senza guardare la luna) sull'elefante nella stanza, perché oltre a cascare dal pero qui la situazione è pesante </ metafore e frasi fatte> - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room, MacChebello
Stories of Apple – Larry Tesler on PARC and Apple http://www.storiesofapple... http://www.storiesofapple...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
On the 9th of November 2011 a group of engineers and other notable people who worked with Steve Jobs talked publicly about the Apple and Pixar founder during an evening organized by The Churchill Club, a Silicon Valley non-profit business and technology forum. - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room, Web e Comunicazione
Don’t Fall for Facebook’s ‘China Argument’ - America’s global dominance in technology requires fierce competition at home, not the coddling of monopolies.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More... Comment

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, Political Globally Facepalming Area , goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed
Quindi domani a Roma ci sarà una manifestazione di quelli che stanno al governo contro quelli che non stanno al governo
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
È tutto sempre più sconcertante - barbottina (quella vera) from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
poi li portano tutti al bioparco - vlad from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, Political Globally Facepalming Area , goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed era il 23 agosto e faceva molto caldo, quando all'elettrotennico gli venne un'idea
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Roberto "Bob" draCo to Roberto "Bob" draCo's feed, La Stanzetta dei Bottoni, Ctrl room
Io mi sto immaginando Calenda a casa che ascolta di maio. (ILVA) http://www.fantastic-four...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Chre minchiate a detto ancora )di Maio dico) - SteveAgl - - (Edit | Remove)
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Se non lo dice pubblicamente DiMaio si piega a 90 si fa andar bene quello che ha ottenuto, bullandosi di aver fatto meglio di Calenda. Se invece diventa pubblico inizia la fine del governo 5stelle, con un disastro occupazionale simile. - Something former Jakala from iPad - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, Political Globally Facepalming Area
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(premesso che: è gasparri; che questi lo fanno lo per propaganda omofobica e perchè non sono mossi da nessuna idea se non dall'odio) anche io sono contrario alla maternità surrogata. indipendentemente dalle preferenze sessuali di chi la chiede. - Von - - (Edit | Remove)
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vedo che dal 2015 in india è vietata agli stranieri quindi vince beverly hills. non cambia la cosa. sostituisci pure con russia. - Von - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room dicevamo?
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room
e quindi ringraziamo l'astensione benevola?
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Però critica - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta from iPhone - - (Edit | Remove)
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fossi sergio quando si presenteranno al quirinale gli direi "mi prendo 24 ore per pensarci su" - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed
Usa, Trump insiste: "Armare e addestrare gli insegnanti" - ( )
6 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
e poi aggiunge "Bandire armi? Allora anche camion, furgoni e auto" - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Questa roba è surreale. Piuttosto che dire "ok, vendiamo un po' di pistole in meno" la nra cerca di ipnotizzare una intera società. E ci riesce - psicocaccola from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room
guanto di sfida e memoria corta
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to il WTF quotidiano, Ctrl room
Trump: "Armiamo gli insegnanti". )
6 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
No, dai, l'ha detto davvero? - goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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l'associazione dei produttori di armi propone da sempre questa soluzione: armare più gente per reagire agli sparatori pazzi. E a dire la verità considerando quante armi ci sono in america è un po' strano che in nessuna delle varie stragi nessuna vittima avesse un'arma. - laFondazione - - (Edit | Remove)

goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta to Ctrl room, goff aquilone in un giorno di tempesta's feed
Gli animali, i vecchi, le tasse … ma non è incandidabile?
6 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Si, ma ad aprile se vince il ricorso rischia di essere presidente pur non essendo eletto. (Secondo me lui spera di perdere, per governare tramite intercorsa persona) - Something former Jakala from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room, Amazon sei la mia rovina
La privacy al tempo dell’Internet of Things: secondo interludio https://melabit.wordpress...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room
Who Will Command The Robot Armies?
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ne consiglio VIVAMENTE la lettura. - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)
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Mi stava venendo un po' voglia di tradurlo in italiano. Non penso che Maciej avrebbe nulla in contrario. Se ci fosse un socio con cui dividere il carico di lavoro è fattibile. Ci sono candidati? :) - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room
"This $1,500 Toaster Oven Is Everything That's Wrong With Silicon Valley Design" https://www.fastcodesign....
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Automated yet distracting. Boastful yet mediocre. Confident yet wrong." - ndaaAATCIU! - - (Edit | Remove)

ndaaAATCIU! to ndaaAATCIU!'s feed, Ctrl room
MIT Technology Review - Web Pioneer Tries to Incubate a Second Digital Revolution https://www.technologyrev...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

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